Swan Electorate Population

In 2011 there were 159100 people living in Swan. 50.4% are male and 49.6% are female. Swan has a population of 2982 indigenous people.

Swan Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females15741.0%
Indigenous Males14080.9%
Indigenous Population29821.9%
Females born in Australia4190426.3%
Males born in Australia4098525.8%
People born in Australia8288952.1%
Female Population7897449.6%
Male Population8012650.4%
Total Population159100100%

Swan (WA) Population Pyramid

Swan Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 449053.1%47663.0%96716.1%
5 - 1476164.8%70924.5%147089.2%
15 - 1949053.1%45442.9%94495.9%
20 - 2487295.5%81545.1%1688310.6%
25 - 341641710.3%146329.2%3104919.5%
35 - 44115157.2%105706.6%2208513.9%
45 - 5493865.9%92835.8%1866911.7%
55 - 6480395.1%82505.2%1628910.2%
65 - 7446922.9%51293.2%98216.2%
75 - 8427941.8%40792.6%68734.3%