Perth Electorate Population

In 2011 there were 145064 people living in Perth. 50.5% are male and 49.5% are female. Perth has a population of 2174 indigenous people.

Perth Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females11420.8%
Indigenous Males10320.7%
Indigenous Population21741.5%
Females born in Australia4024027.7%
Males born in Australia4001027.6%
People born in Australia8025055.3%
Female Population7180549.5%
Male Population7325950.5%
Total Population145064100%

Perth (WA) Population Pyramid

Perth Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 443673.0%39652.7%83325.7%
5 - 1468834.7%65474.5%134309.3%
15 - 1938912.7%38222.6%77135.3%
20 - 2460454.2%58604.0%119058.2%
25 - 341453510.0%134789.3%2801319.3%
35 - 44112087.7%103127.1%2152014.8%
45 - 5497286.7%93986.5%1912613.2%
55 - 6481905.6%81355.6%1632511.3%
65 - 7447393.3%50213.5%97606.7%
75 - 8427501.9%34832.4%62334.3%