Moore Electorate Population

In 2011 there were 144448 people living in Moore. 49.6% are male and 50.4% are female. Moore has a population of 1051 indigenous people.

Moore Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females5390.4%
Indigenous Males5120.4%
Indigenous Population10510.7%
Females born in Australia4012727.8%
Males born in Australia3946427.3%
People born in Australia7959155.1%
Female Population7285150.4%
Male Population7159749.6%
Total Population144448100%

Moore (WA) Population Pyramid

Moore Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 448503.4%46363.2%94866.6%
5 - 14104767.3%99336.9%2040914.1%
15 - 1961274.2%57774.0%119048.2%
20 - 2454303.8%51583.6%105887.3%
25 - 3483775.8%84255.8%1680211.6%
35 - 44105927.3%113587.9%2195015.2%
45 - 54109097.6%118728.2%2278115.8%
55 - 6484625.9%85996.0%1706111.8%
65 - 7441402.9%40432.8%81835.7%
75 - 8417641.2%21511.5%39152.7%