Bowman Electorate Population

In 2011 there were 138666 people living in Bowman. 49.0% are male and 51.0% are female. Bowman has a population of 2618 indigenous people.

Bowman Population Summary 2011#%
Indigenous Females13631.0%
Indigenous Males12550.9%
Indigenous Population26181.9%
Females born in Australia5194337.5%
Males born in Australia4990336.0%
People born in Australia10184673.4%
Female Population7078051.0%
Male Population6788649.0%
Total Population138666100%

Bowman (QLD) Population Pyramid

Bowman Population by Age Range 2011# Males% Males# Females% Females# Total% Total
0 - 444433.2%41793.0%86226.2%
5 - 1499347.2%92556.7%1918913.8%
15 - 1952013.8%49703.6%101717.3%
20 - 2441473.0%40002.9%81475.9%
25 - 3472025.2%74635.4%1466510.6%
35 - 4490596.5%101287.3%1918713.8%
45 - 5499307.2%107417.7%2067114.9%
55 - 6487466.3%91986.6%1794412.9%
65 - 7454473.9%56584.1%111058.0%
75 - 8428072.0%34422.5%62494.5%