Mount Pleasant Demographics (QLD) Local Stats

Mount Pleasant (4521) is a suburb of Brisbane, Outer Northern Suburbs, Queensland. It is about 45 kms from QLD's capital city of Brisbane. Mount Pleasant is in the federal electorate of Dickson.

In the 2011 Census the population of Mount Pleasant is 304 and is comprised of 49% females and 51% males.

The median/average age of the Mount Pleasant population is 37 years of age,

86.5% of people living in Mount Pleasant were born in Australia. The other top responses for country of birth were England 6.6%, New Zealand 3%, Canada 1.7%, Belgium 1%, Adelie Land 0%.

97.7% of people speak English as their first language 1.3% Dutch, 0% Welsh, 0% Celtic, nec, 0% Irish, 0% Gaelic (Scotland).

The religious make up of Mount Pleasant is 28% Catholic, 23.4% No Religion, 16.8% Uniting Church, 11.8% Anglican, 7.9% Presbyterian and Reformed.

66.4% of people are married, 24.9% have never married and 6.1% are divorced and 1.3% are separated. There are 3 widowed people living in Mount Pleasant.

59.1% of the people living in Mount Pleasant are employed full time, 33.1% are working on a part time basis. Mount Pleasant has an unemployment rate of 1.9%.

The main occupations of people from Mount Pleasant are Managers 18.1%, Professionals 18.1%, Clerical and Administrative Workers 17.4%, Technicians and Trades Workers 16.1%, Labourers 10.7%, Sales Workers 10.7%, Machinery Operators And Drivers 3.4%, Community and Personal Service Workers 3.4%.

The median individual income is $619.00 per week and the median household income is $1615.00 per week.

39.6% of homes are fully owned, and 41.6% are in the process of being purchased by home loan mortgage. 15.8% of homes are rented.

The median rent in Mount Pleasant is $220 per week and the median mortgage repayment is $2433 per month.

Check out FY 2013 Tax Stats for Mount Pleasant postcode 4521

  • Qpzm LocalStats Queensland Suburb of the Day: Warra 4411 -> Western -> Queensland